Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Major writers block

Wow, getting this things started is going to be difficult. I'm trying to come up with an idea for a second post. I thought about writing an anecdote of my life - and then all I could come up with were lame stories. I thought about writing a confession, and then I couldn't come up with a good one that I might want the whole world to read. Then I thought I might write about what I like.

From a high level, what I need is some sort of definition for the blog. And I'm trying hard to define it with this second post, like somehow this posting will change the way I will write the rest of this blog. I don't think that's a good idea.

So I'm just going to write about what hits me next.....

Coffee. That's what I thought of, so here goes:

Coffee is great in some ways, and in other ways is my doom. It gives me some energy in the morning, but it really just redistributes the energy over the course of the day. I mean sure, I get the boost right after I drink it, but then I get tired later. So it adds a little control to my life - if I think I need a boost maybe I'll go drink some coffee... I just have to live with the fact that I end up with less later.

The real problem is that level of control can be addicting. I know everyone else's life is easy - but mine is really hard. So I keep coming up with reasons to need some extra energy. And I just end up in a downward spiral in terms of energy level.

I've quit a few times, and its great! I highly recommend it.

Oh well, so this story has now become boring. But you have to give me a break - I mean I am talking about coffee after all. It not like I can come up with a really funny story that involves coffee in an important way. Its coffee! Half the world probably drinks it once a day or more! It's like trying to come up with a good story about pencils or something.

I bet coffee has an interesting history. But I don't know that much about it.

I know! My confession for the day: I don't think interesting thoughts all the time. It can be extremely embarrassing. I mean come on, what the hell was I thinking here? How can I win friends and take over the world, when the most important thought I had in the last five minutes was that I should quit drinking coffee? It's a problem.


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