Thursday, June 10, 2004


Why does history favor some people and not others? Surely, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say. And the same is said of history - the victors rewrite history. But how does one know if they've won?

Let's take Ronald Reagan for example. Sure he contributed to our history. But why do we give him so much praise (take for example all those visiting his casket)? Why has history smiled on this man? At what point did we conclude that his contributions were more positive than negative?

Let's take some negatives. He was divorced, he sided with the conservatives during the period of McCarthyism and the "Red Scare" of the 50s, his black/white view of the world led to suspect decisions in supporting religious fundamentalism in an effort to overthrow Communism. We are certainly feeling the backlash of these political decisions. His economic decisions, Reaganomics, are questioned by few today because of the positive results - but on paper they do not look so nice. In a time of need, he cut taxes in order to give money to the rich.

Let's take some of the positives. Since I brought up the divorce I should mention his marriage to Nancy lasted over 50 years, his unwavering anticommunism helped support the success of democracy in the world (for which he does not deserve full credit - please! This does not stop the many conservative pundits from saying so... it's a little silly to think that Communism failed because of Reagan). His economic decisions did reinvigorate the US economy - fine.

Granted he wasn't a bad president. But I have to say that never during his administration did I feel inspired by the guy. There is nothing that he did that I felt proud of. But that's just me. I'm willing to admit the validity of other's opinions.

I just wonder why people suggest that his face should be carved along side of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. There is no comparison to the founders of our nation, or the man who led our nation through the civil war, and the nobel peace prize laureate!

Certainly these comments may be judged as poorly timed criticisms. And I do think that we should honor any former president of our nation appropriately. For this service I am grateful to him. I only intend to draw attention to the fickle nature of history, and the uncertainties of public opinion.


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